
Your website is not secured and your business is at risk!

There are 2 main reasons why it imperative that you migrate to HTTPS today:

REASON #1: Hackers WILL target you and steal your private information

The global pandemic has forced more and more people to spend more time online. More people online means more potential victims for online hackers and scammers.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have witnessed the rise of “Ransomware”.

Ransomware is a form of extortion, used by hackers, which consists in infecting a system, encrypting the files and then ask for a ransom to the owner of the website.

The owner cannot regain access to their personal files or website until they have paid the ransom, in exchange for the decryption key.

Unsecure websites, without an SSL, are the primary target of these cyber criminals, since their websites and systems are easy to crack.

It is expected that, starting 2021, a new unsecure website will be hit by a Ransomware every 11 seconds.

Key numbers about the explosion of ransomware on unsecured websites:

Secure your website today and protect yourself against cyber attacks

REASON #2: Google WILL make your website disappear

Every website on the Internet should be served over HTTPS, to comply with google’s standards.

If your website is not HTTPS, it won’t be included in google search results. 

Even worse, internet browsers will display a warning discouraging users for opening your website.

If a user types “accounting firm in New York” in the Google search bar, and your website is not secured with an SSL encryption, google will DELIBERATELY leave you out of the search results.

All your competitors, running secure websites, will be showcased on Google and steal business that should have been yours…

Because of the rise in cyber-attacks since the beginning of the pandemic, Google has updated its algorithm to make sure that users only navigate on secure websites.

What does an unsecure mean for your business today?

Secure your website today and protect yourself against cyber attacks

About Websites Protector


Our commitment is to deliver affordable and efficient website security solutions to small businesses around the world. Because we understand that not everybody is technical, we provide a done for you managed service.

Our goal is to exceed the highest standards websites protection for small businesses.


Websitesprotector is rapidly becoming a widely recognized leader in website security amongst small businesses around the world. We understand the dangers that they are facing in this post-pandemic world. This is why we provide them with a fast, easy and efficient solution to protect their business, their personal data and their livelihood.

Our management team has been working in cyber security since 2005 and has actively participated in the creation of reputation filters around the internet. Our specialists have a combined 60-year experience in web security, email security, anti-spam and anti-virus fields.

We are distinguished members of the following Cyber Security Organizations:

Our founder has been featured in well know magazines and global organizations such as: E-consultancy, Internet Advertising Bureau, Email Strategy, Messaging Anti Abuse Work Group (MAAWG) and many others.

Key Benefits

What’s included

Here is why you ABSOLUTELY need to upgrade your website to HTTPS:

We protect your visitors from a large class of threats including public WiFi snooping and ad injection over HTTP. With our technology, traffic to the end user will always be encrypted, which means your website will always be secure. Our SSL technology (HTTP/2) has the potential to make your website up to two times faster with no changes to existing code.

How do we protect secure and protect your website 24/7 and 365 days a year?

When using Websitesprotector’s security technology, you’ll never have to worry about the latest vulnerabilities.

Our encryption service is constantly updated and uses “zero-day” vulnerability updates.

This means that, if a new threat, is discovered in any part of the world, our service updates, in real time, and upgrades before the threat reaches you.

Your traffic will be handled and protected by our datacenter’s towers 24/7 for maximum security.

We have several teams of dozens of engineer monitoring your traffic around the clock.

Our goal is to make sure that your data is secure and that the experience of your users is outstanding.

Secure your website today and protect yourself against cyber attacks

Frequently Asked Questions About Website Security

Website security consists in protecting your personal and organizational, public-facing, websites from cyberattacks such as Ransomware, denial of service attacks (DDOS) or data breaches.

Yes you do! Even if your website is still small and doesn't make any money yet, securing it is crucial. It's simply a question of protecting your personal data, credentials, financial information and that of your visitors. Regardless the size of your website, you need to keep hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information.

Unsecure” websites don’t provide the users an encrypted connection. The best and easiest way to know if your website is secure or not is to check if your website URL starts with HTTP or HTTPS. An HTTP website is unsecure whereas an HTTPS website is secure.

Unsecure” websites don’t provide the users an encrypted connection. The best and easiest way to know if your website is secure or not is to check if your website URL starts with HTTP or HTTPS. An HTTP website is unsecure whereas an HTTPS website is secure.

Nobody can force you to secure your website. However, you are exposing yourself and your organization to data theft, ransomware and other cyber-attacks. Indeed the primary targets of hackers are unsecure http websites. In addition, internet users will receive warnings from their browsers not to visit your website.

Our security package includes: DDOS attacks protection, Web application firewall, Abusive bot protection, data breach protection and SSL certificate renewal.

Our team of certified engineers will take care of everything for you. This is 100% managed and done for you by our team. You won’t have to install anything yourself or monitor anything.

This is a recurring service. Our team of specialists will monitor your traffic 24/7/365 and protect your website from unwanted threats. Your traffic is handled, around the clock, in our datacenters for maximum security. You have the option to pick between a monthly and a yearly package at a very affordable price.

After you select your package (Monthly or yearly), and submit your payment, all you have to do is give us 3 pieces of information and we take care of the rest. You will be redirected to a form where you can give us your website’s URL along with the hosting details. With this information, our team of specialists will manage everything for you. Everything can be done in one day if you provide us with the information.

Secure your website today and protect yourself against cyber attacks